Immunization Schedule

Dr. Segall is a strong advocate for vaccines.

This is one alternative to the immunization schedule. Hepatitis B #2 often is administered at 2 months of age, HPV vaccine can be administered between 9 and 11 years of age, Tdap can be administered at 10 years of age. The second MMR can be administered a month after the first dose and Varicella vaccine can be administered 3 months after the first dose.

Newborn Hepatitis B #1
1 month Hepatitis B #2
2 months Pentacel #1 (DTaP, Polio, Hib), Prevnar #1, Rotavirus #1
4 months Pentacel #2 (DTaP, Polio, Hib), Prevnar #2, Rotavirus #2
6 months Pentacel #3 (DTaP, Polio, Hib), Prevnar #3, Rotavirus #3
9 months Hepatitis B #3, Lead, Hemoglobin
12 months MMR #1, Prevnar #4
15 months Varicella #1, Hepatitis A#1
18 months DTaP #4, Hib #4, Lead, Hemoglobin
2 years Hepatitis A#2, Hemoglobin
2 ½ years Hemoglobin
3 years Hearing & Vision screening (yearly), Hemoglobin (yearly)
4 years Varicella#2, MMR #2
5 years DTaP #5, Polio #4, Lead
11 years Tdap, Meningitis #1
12 years HPV series (Gardasil)
16 years Meningitis #2