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American Academy of Pediatrics Logo

  • A Parent's Guide to Teen Parties

    As a parent, you know the importance of your teen's social life and that parties are a way to socialize and relax. But an unsupervised or poorly planned party can result in unwanted or even tragic consequences. However, parental responsibility is the key to a fun and safe party.

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  • Alcohol and Your Child: What Parents Need to Know

    One of the most abused drugs in our society is alcohol. It's also a drug that many people start using at very young ages. Though it's illegal for people younger than 21 years to drink, many children are introduced to alcohol well before they reach that age. The earlier they begin using alcohol, the higher

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  • Home Drug Testing: What Parents Need to Know

    Remember that your teen’s doctor can help assess whether your teen has a drug problem and a laboratory test is not always needed. However, if a drug test is recommended, your teen should know about it. The American Academy of Pediatrics opposes drug tests without a teen’s knowledge and consent.

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  • Marijuana: What Parents Need to Know

    Information from the American Academy of Pediatrics about marijuana use in children, including risks and how to prevent marijuana use.

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  • Secondhand Smoke

    Even if you don't smoke, breathing in someone else's smoke can kill you. Secondhand smoke has about 4,000 chemicals in it. More than 50 of them cause cancer.

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